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picture of smudge stick for clearing stagnant energy

How to clear stagnant energy

Energize Your Space: Seven Ways to Clear Stagnant Energy

Have you ever found yourself unable to focus or constantly battling a sense of confusion and exhaustion? The energy in your living space might be to blame. Clearing stagnant energy is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive environment. In this guide, we’ll explore seven effective ways to refresh your space and regain clarity.

1. Set Clear Intentions:

Before embarking on your energy-clearing journey, take a moment to clarify your intentions. What are you trying to accomplish, and what might be hindering your progress? Being mindful of your goals sets the stage for a purposeful cleansing.

2. Purge Unnecessary Items:

Follow the wisdom of Marie Kondo and declutter your space. Donate or discard items that no longer “spark joy.” Clearing physical clutter can have a profound effect on mental clarity and energy flow.

3. Give Back Through Donation:

Helping others is a powerful way to shift energy. Donate items you no longer need, spreading joy to someone else and creating a positive cycle of giving.

4. Deep Cleaning Ritual:

Engage in a thorough cleaning session. Vacuum away the dust, wipe surfaces, and restore freshness to your space. A clean environment fosters a positive atmosphere and contributes to overall well-being.

5. Salt Corners of Your Home:

Place containers of salt in the four corners of your home. Salt is known for its absorbing properties and can help neutralize heavy energy, leaving your space feeling lighter and more vibrant.

6. Smudging Ceremony:

Use a smudge stick, palo santo, or tobacco to perform a smudging ceremony. Move through each room, allowing the smoke to cleanse and purify the space. This ancient practice has been revered for its ability to dispel negativity.

7. Bless Your Home:

As you smudge, infuse your space with positive energy. Send love to all corners, walls, ceiling, and floor. This blessing ritual reinforces the cleansing process, filling your home with renewed vitality.


Clearing stagnant energy is an essential step in creating a harmonious and uplifting living environment. By incorporating these seven practices into your routine, you can revitalize your space, enhance focus, and foster a renewed sense of purpose. Take the time to care for your surroundings, and you’ll find that a positive energy flow translates into a more fulfilling and inspired life.

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