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despacho offering for fire

How to make a despacho

Honoring the Earth: A Simple Guide to Despacho Offerings

In the heart of ancient traditions lies a practice that transcends cultures and speaks to the universal language of gratitude—the Despacho Gratitude Ceremony.

Evolving from a simple act of expressing thanks from the heart and making an offering to life, this ritual has woven its way into various mother cultures, each with its unique way of honoring the Earth.

In the Quecha language, this ceremony is known as Hariweequi, meaning to offer with one’s own hand. Often referred to as “despacho” or simply a “gratitude ceremony,” it’s a heartfelt gesture embraced by the Q’ero people and shared with bridge workers, individuals entrusted to pass on these teachings.

Creating a Despacho: A Thank You to Pachamama

In Qoya, creating a despacho is a practical and heartfelt way to express gratitude to Mother Earth. Follow these simple steps:

  • Prepare the Space: Lay biodegradable paper (I usually use 15” x 15”) flat on a clean surface (ground or a table top) creating a central space for your despacho.
  • Nature’s Bounty: Collect various natural items (see below) to place on your paper. Think flowers, nuts, seeds, leaves, shells, and more. Each item is like a thank-you note to Pachamama.
  • Arrange Mindfully: Place your collected offerings on your open paper, arranging them in a way that feels harmonious and beautiful to you.
  • Express Gratitude: As you add each item, take a moment to express your thanks to Mother Earth. It’s a dance of appreciation, a way to honor the gifts of the natural world.
  • Choose the Offering Method: Decide how you want to present your despacho:
    • To Water: Take it to a body of water, drop it ceremonially, and let the elements do their work.
    • To Fire: Offer it to a fire, ensuring the items are safe to burn.
    • To the Earth: Bury it in the ground, being mindful of using biodegradable materials.
  • Follow Your Intuition: Let your heart guide you. Feel free to customize the despacho based on what resonates with you and the environment around you.

By following these steps, you create a simple yet meaningful despacho, a tangible expression of gratitude to Mother Earth.

What Goes into a Despacho:

  • Flowers: Nature’s vibrant messengers of beauty.
  • Nuts/Seeds/Beans: Seeds of life, symbolic of growth and abundance.
  • Cacao/Chocolate: A sweet offering to delight the senses.
  • Rice/Other Grains: A representation of sustenance and nourishment.
  • Leaves: Embracing the essence of trees and plants.
  • Shells: Symbols of the ocean’s wisdom and treasures.
  • Corn: A sacred grain, a gift from ancient agricultural practices.
  • Sugar: Sweetness to infuse the ceremony with joy.
  • Herbs: Fragrant elements that carry the essence of the earth.
  • Incense: Dried Sage, palo santo or other types of incense. Purifying smoke to sanctify the offering.
  • Currency: A personal for me – with a note of gratitude.
  • Hair: Also a personal for me – because of my alignment with Pachama.

How to Offer a Despacho: A Gesture of Gratitude

The essence of a despacho lies in the act of giving thanks to the Earth, and there are three ways to present this heartfelt offering:

  • To Water: Assemble your offerings on a dish, take it to the water, and drop it ceremonially beneath the surface, allowing the elements to float, sink, or be carried away.
  • To Fire: Choose offerings that are safe to burn, avoiding chemicals or plastics. Offer them to the fire with reverence.
  • To the Earth: Use biodegradable paper and ensure the offerings going into the ground are free from preservatives or harmful chemicals. Be attuned to the ecosystem, considering the impact of your gift.

Guiding Principles for Conscious Offerings:

  • Waterway Offerings: Gather natural objects from the environment to minimize impact.
  • Fire Offerings: Be mindful not to burn items containing chemicals or plastics, prioritizing the well-being of our bodies and the environment.
  • Earth Offerings: Use biodegradable paper, avoiding preservatives or harmful substances. Tailor your approach based on intuition and the specific ecosystem.

In these times of heightened ecological sensitivity, consider the impact of your offerings on the living world. Let your gratitude flow through nature’s tapestry, and allow your heart, guided by intuition, to choose the most resonant way to say “Thank You” to the Earth in any given moment.

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