Jungahouse – plants are medicine

our services

House Clearing

Experience a transformative energy shift by booking an energetic house clearing. 

Clearing stagnant energy and restoring balance.

Using ancient techniques and intuitive practices, we help bring a sense of renewal to your home, fostering a harmonious environment that supports your well-being.

Step into a revitalized space where positive energy flows freely, creating a sanctuary for clarity, peace, and positive vibrations. 

From $99

Shamanic Illuminations

Experience the ‘Illumination’—the Q’ero Shaman’s powerful healing method.

Think of it as a deep cleanse for your core—removing blockages that disrupt the natural flow of high-vibrating energy.

It’s a process that cleanses your chakras, revitalizing your energy.

The Illumination is a simple yet profound dance restoring harmony to your true essence.

From $99

Fire Ceremonies

Dive into the profound essence of a fire ceremony—a Shamanic ritual that purges the past to usher in the new.

Release melancholic memories, fears, and negative emotions into the flames, creating space for intentions in harmony with your Higher Self.

This sacred endeavor sparks healing at the core of your being, an exquisite dance of liberation and rejuvenation.

From $99

Cacao Ceremonies

Embark on a transformative journey with cacao ceremonies, meticulously crafted to harness the grounding and heart-opening essence of this sacred elixir.

Designed to uplift moods, enhance vitality, and amplify spiritual intentions, these ceremonies create a communal space where individuals come together to experience a collective elevation of spirit.

Immerse yourself in the heartwarming embrace of cacao, unlocking a positive and uplifted state that fosters a deeper connection with yourself and others within the sacred container of the ceremony.

From $45
cacao beans for cacao ceremonies
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