Jungahouse – plants are medicine https://jungahouse.com Jungahouse is a place to stop and learn about plants and buy a plant for your space. Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:21:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 How to Befriend a Tree https://jungahouse.com/how-to-befriend-a-tree/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 19:03:30 +0000 https://jungahouse.com/?p=1872

Tree Hugging: Communing with Ancient Wisdom:

Journey into the realm of arboreal connection with Jungahouse as we unravel the profound practice of befriending trees—a spiritual dance rooted in ancient wisdom.

The Sentience of Trees:

Trees, symbolic pillars of power, wisdom, and renewal, harbor an aura akin to our own. Their subtle and joyous energy radiates, offering nourishment to our soul and spirit.

How to Befriend a Tree:

Unlock the secrets of befriending trees with the distilled wisdom shared by Taoist Master Mantak Chia, a revered mentor to Jungahouse (he doesn’t know this yet).

Here’s a brief guide to cultivating a harmonious relationship:

    • Discover a Healthy Tree: Seek out robust companions like large pines, cypress, willow, elm, or maple. Each tree holds unique healing properties.
    • Build a Communal Relationship: Trees, much like humans, possess feelings and energy reactions. Take time to connect before initiating an energy exchange. Choose trees that resonate with you.
    • Extend a Welcome: Face the tree, offer a warm welcome, and gauge the energy alignment. If a connection is sensed, place your hands on the bark, and keep your focus forward or on the bark.
    • Guide Your Qi: Establish an energetic connection and guide your Qi into the tree. Feel the subtle buzzing or tingling as the tree’s Qi enters your body. Combine it with your own, experiencing the enhancing, cool, and healing sensation.
    • Draw and Hold Back Energy: To end gracefully, withdraw attention from the Qi flow, turning it inward. Push back on the tree’s Qi to prevent excess absorption. Allow the Qi to flow back into the tree, condensing the energy into a single point.
    • Conclude with a Closing: End abruptly and precisely to break the energetic connection, locking the healing in place. A movement, sound, or subtle energy shift serves as an effective closing.

Tree Befriending Essentials

Embark on this captivating journey of energy exchange with trees, weaving a tapestry of healing and goodwill between you and these ancient guardians. Ready to befriend the whispering giants? Dive into the enchanted world of tree communion with Jungahouse!

How to make a despacho https://jungahouse.com/how-to-make-a-despacho/ Sat, 20 Jan 2024 20:44:45 +0000 https://jungahouse.com/?p=1757

Honoring the Earth: A Simple Guide to Despacho Offerings

In the heart of ancient traditions lies a practice that transcends cultures and speaks to the universal language of gratitude—the Despacho Gratitude Ceremony.

Evolving from a simple act of expressing thanks from the heart and making an offering to life, this ritual has woven its way into various mother cultures, each with its unique way of honoring the Earth.

In the Quecha language, this ceremony is known as Hariweequi, meaning to offer with one’s own hand. Often referred to as “despacho” or simply a “gratitude ceremony,” it’s a heartfelt gesture embraced by the Q’ero people and shared with bridge workers, individuals entrusted to pass on these teachings.

Creating a Despacho: A Thank You to Pachamama

In Qoya, creating a despacho is a practical and heartfelt way to express gratitude to Mother Earth. Follow these simple steps:

  • Prepare the Space: Lay biodegradable paper (I usually use 15” x 15”) flat on a clean surface (ground or a table top) creating a central space for your despacho.
  • Nature’s Bounty: Collect various natural items (see below) to place on your paper. Think flowers, nuts, seeds, leaves, shells, and more. Each item is like a thank-you note to Pachamama.
  • Arrange Mindfully: Place your collected offerings on your open paper, arranging them in a way that feels harmonious and beautiful to you.
  • Express Gratitude: As you add each item, take a moment to express your thanks to Mother Earth. It’s a dance of appreciation, a way to honor the gifts of the natural world.
  • Choose the Offering Method: Decide how you want to present your despacho:
    • To Water: Take it to a body of water, drop it ceremonially, and let the elements do their work.
    • To Fire: Offer it to a fire, ensuring the items are safe to burn.
    • To the Earth: Bury it in the ground, being mindful of using biodegradable materials.
  • Follow Your Intuition: Let your heart guide you. Feel free to customize the despacho based on what resonates with you and the environment around you.

By following these steps, you create a simple yet meaningful despacho, a tangible expression of gratitude to Mother Earth.

What Goes into a Despacho:

  • Flowers: Nature’s vibrant messengers of beauty.
  • Nuts/Seeds/Beans: Seeds of life, symbolic of growth and abundance.
  • Cacao/Chocolate: A sweet offering to delight the senses.
  • Rice/Other Grains: A representation of sustenance and nourishment.
  • Leaves: Embracing the essence of trees and plants.
  • Shells: Symbols of the ocean’s wisdom and treasures.
  • Corn: A sacred grain, a gift from ancient agricultural practices.
  • Sugar: Sweetness to infuse the ceremony with joy.
  • Herbs: Fragrant elements that carry the essence of the earth.
  • Incense: Dried Sage, palo santo or other types of incense. Purifying smoke to sanctify the offering.
  • Currency: A personal for me – with a note of gratitude.
  • Hair: Also a personal for me – because of my alignment with Pachama.

How to Offer a Despacho: A Gesture of Gratitude

The essence of a despacho lies in the act of giving thanks to the Earth, and there are three ways to present this heartfelt offering:

  • To Water: Assemble your offerings on a dish, take it to the water, and drop it ceremonially beneath the surface, allowing the elements to float, sink, or be carried away.
  • To Fire: Choose offerings that are safe to burn, avoiding chemicals or plastics. Offer them to the fire with reverence.
  • To the Earth: Use biodegradable paper and ensure the offerings going into the ground are free from preservatives or harmful chemicals. Be attuned to the ecosystem, considering the impact of your gift.

Guiding Principles for Conscious Offerings:

  • Waterway Offerings: Gather natural objects from the environment to minimize impact.
  • Fire Offerings: Be mindful not to burn items containing chemicals or plastics, prioritizing the well-being of our bodies and the environment.
  • Earth Offerings: Use biodegradable paper, avoiding preservatives or harmful substances. Tailor your approach based on intuition and the specific ecosystem.

In these times of heightened ecological sensitivity, consider the impact of your offerings on the living world. Let your gratitude flow through nature’s tapestry, and allow your heart, guided by intuition, to choose the most resonant way to say “Thank You” to the Earth in any given moment.

What is a fire ceremony? https://jungahouse.com/what-is-a-fire-ceremony/ Sat, 20 Jan 2024 19:32:43 +0000 https://jungahouse.com/?p=1713

Why do we have fire ceremonies?

Our predecessors, custodians of ancient wisdom, orchestrated ceremonies that transcend temporal boundaries, linking humanity to the natural world, steering us through life’s transitions, and beckoning abundance into our ventures.

Amidst the profound tapestry of ceremonial traditions, Q’ero (Inca) fire ceremonies emerge as ethereal spectacles, interwoven with age-old rituals, invoking the essence of Mama Nina – the venerated Incan goddess of fire, light, and volcanoes.

Significance of Q'ero Fire Ceremonies:

These meticulously crafted ceremonies, curated by the Q’ero people, encapsulate a diverse array of intentions. Far beyond mere rituals, they are sacred expressions designed to elevate and harmonize our connection with the natural world.

Whether seeking guidance, bolstering major life transitions, manifesting abundance, or embarking on significant endeavors, the import of Q’ero fire ceremonies lies in the profound belief that the elemental forces wield transformative power.

Transcending the Physical Realm:

The custodians of these ceremonies, deeply attuned to their efficacy, understand the transcendent benefits that extend beyond the physical realm.

Q’ero fire ceremonies, carefully chosen for their effectiveness and synergistic effects, function as conduits for spiritual healing.

They offer respite from the unrest that permeates the spiritual realm, manifesting as mental, emotional, or physical symptoms.

Engaging in these ancient practices is akin to tapping into a wellspring of timeless wisdom, fostering an intricate connection with the sacred.

burning wood at fire ceremony

Fire ceremony benefits

Ceremonial Rhythms in Life’s Chronicle:

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, ceremonies emerge as the threads weaving together the fabric of our stories.

From the grandeur of weddings to the commemoration of birthdays, graduations, and rites of passage, ceremonies provide a nuanced means to acknowledge and enrich pivotal moments.

Q’ero fire ceremonies transcend the ordinary, offering a sacred space to express gratitude, seek guidance, or invoke healing.

By embracing these ceremonies, individuals navigate life’s transitions with intention, wisdom, and grace.

Who is Mama Nina?

Mama Nina: Guardian of the Elemental Symphony:

At the heart of Q’ero fire ceremonies stands Mama Nina, the embodiment of fire, light, and volcanoes in the Incan pantheon.

Her epithet, “Mother Fire,” resonates with the elemental forces shaping our world.

Alongside goddesses Mama Qucha (sea), Pachamama (earth), and Mama Wayra (winds), Mama Nina holds a revered position.

Worship of her persists, especially in rituals centered around fire, igniting a connection to natural forces and cosmic energies that transcend the visible realm.

Endurance of Devotion Through Time:

While the public domain reveals scant information about Mama Nina, her enduring worship persists.

Invoked in rituals and ceremonies, particularly those involving fire, Mama Nina’s presence endures. The reverence for her is likely entwined with natural phenomena such as wildfires and volcano eruptions, positioning her as a guardian of the Kay Pacha—the world we can see and influence.

In the sacred choreography of Q’ero fire ceremonies, participants embark on a transformative journey, connecting with ancient wisdom and cosmic energies.

As flames flicker and offerings are made (e.g despachos), intentions intertwine with elemental forces, weaving a tapestry of healing, guidance, and profound spiritual connection.

Illuminated by the radiant glow of Mama Nina’s fire, Q’ero fire ceremonies beckon participants to step into the sacred embrace of transformative energies, where ancient wisdom and contemporary souls converge in a dance of cosmic resonance.

How to prepare for a fire ceremony

Setting Intentions:

    • Envision and dream into being the future you desire.
    • Set intentions for transformation and change as part of your preparation.

List of Items to Bring to a Fire Ceremony:

    • Select a small stick or small piece of wood as your “spirit arrow.”
    • Write on a piece of paper: what you are releasing along with intentions and prayers. This written expression can enhance the symbolic representation of your desires for the fire ceremony.
    • Items such as small pieces of clothing (e.g a cotton t-shirt, letters, an ex’s underwear (LOL), lock of hair, etc) Anything that represents cutting cords*
    • Incense
    • Offering such a despacho (see “how to make a despacho“)

*Any private item can be placed in small brown paper bag for discreetness and ensure the chosen material can be safely burned, considering environmental impact.

Just a quick reminder:

The key is to put together an offering that really captures what you want to let go of, change, or bring into your life.

Taking a moment to get into this thoughtful prep process isn’t just about going through the motions – it’s about infusing your unique energy into the whole vibe of the fire ceremony.

You’re basically aligning your intentions with the powerful transformation happening in those flickering flames.

ceremonial fire in front of lake

Preparation Time:

    • Dedicate time to prepare your offering for the fire ceremony.
    • Connect with your chosen item and spend time in communion with nature to discern the right offering.

Communal Connection:

    • Sit in communion with nature before selecting something from the environment.
    • Ask for guidance in choosing the right offering, allowing it to be revealed to you.

Reflect and Identify:

    • Connect inwardly to identify an issue or something in your life that needs release.
    • Reflect on challenges as gifts, expressing thanks and honoring the lessons they brought for transformation.

Breath Empowerment:

    • Use your breath to infuse the chosen item with intentions and prayers.
    • Physically blow into the object several times to release your breath, transferring intentions for the fire to consume and transform.
How To Move Stuck Energy in Your Body https://jungahouse.com/how-to-move-stuck-energy-in-your-body/ Fri, 19 Jan 2024 22:43:11 +0000 https://jungahouse.com/?p=1378

Definition of Stuck Energy and its Impact on Well-being

Stuck energy refers to the blockages or stagnation of life force within the body, disrupting the natural flow of energy.

This can manifest physically, emotionally, or mentally, contributing to what is often termed as “dis-ease.”

Understanding the impact of stuck energy is crucial as it can lead to a range of health issues, both physical and mental.

The Connection Between Stuck Energy and "Dis-ease"

Exploring the intricate relationship between stuck energy and overall well-being emphasizes the importance of addressing these blockages.

Whether it’s chronic pain, emotional distress, or mental fog, recognizing and resolving stuck energy becomes a key component in promoting a balanced and healthy life.

The term “dis-ease” takes on deeper meaning in the spiritual context, indicating a state of unrest within the spiritual self.

Stuck energy can create blockages in the energy centers or chakras, disrupting the natural flow of spiritual energy. This disturbance may manifest as a sense of disconnect, loss of purpose, or a feeling of being spiritually ungrounded.

Viewing stuck energy from a spiritual perspective offers an opportunity for transformation and growth.

The process of liberating stagnant energy becomes a spiritual journey, allowing individuals to release old patterns, traumas, and negative emotions that may have accumulated on a spiritual level.

This liberation paves the way for heightened awareness, spiritual awakening, and an expanded sense of self.

woman on mountain with sun shining through

Embracing Holistic Well-being Through Energy Movement:

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, the concept of energy movement takes center stage, acknowledging that our physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects are interconnected.

Embracing holistic well-being through energy movement involves recognizing and actively participating in practices that facilitate the free flow of vital life force throughout the entire being.

1. The Unity of Body, Mind, and Spirit:

Holistic well-being emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Energy movement serves as a bridge that unites these aspects, fostering a sense of harmony and balance.

By engaging in practices that promote energy flow, individuals open themselves to a more profound experience of holistic health, where physical vitality aligns with mental clarity and spiritual connectedness.

2. Moving Beyond Physical Exercise:

While traditional forms of exercise focus primarily on physical health, energy movement transcends the purely physical.

It invites individuals to explore and engage with the subtle energies that underlie their existence.

This goes beyond the mere mechanics of movement, delving into the realms of spirituality and consciousness, thereby enriching the overall experience of well-being.

3. Enhancing Resilience and Adaptability:

Embracing energy movement as a path to holistic well-being fosters resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

When energy flows freely, it enhances the body’s ability to adapt and respond to stressors.

This adaptability extends beyond the physical body to encompass emotional and spiritual resilience, promoting a more robust and balanced way of navigating life’s complexities.

4. Alignment with Universal Energies:

Addressing stuck energy from a spiritual lens involves aligning oneself with the greater flow of universal energies.

Practices aimed at releasing stuck energy often draw from ancient wisdom, sacred traditions, and spiritual rituals that connect individuals with the cosmic energy currents.

This alignment fosters a sense of oneness with the universe, promoting spiritual well-being and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

In summary, embracing holistic well-being through energy movement and understanding stuck energy from a spiritual perspective offer a comprehensive approach to health that transcends the physical realm.

It invites individuals to explore the interconnectedness of their physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, fostering a sense of harmony, resilience, and spiritual growth.

Understanding stuck energy

A. Exploring Energetic Blockages in the Body:

Energetic blockages are akin to knots in our body’s energy pathways, disrupting the natural flow of life force. Identifying these blockages involves heightened awareness of tension points, discomfort, or unease.

Practices like mindfulness or energy healing can help pinpoint and initiate the release of stagnant energy, restoring vitality.

B. Recognizing Signs of Stagnant Energy in Spiritual Terms:

Spiritual stagnation presents as a disconnection, lack of inspiration, or feeling spiritually adrift.

Beyond physical symptoms, it involves a sense of purposelessness or detachment from one’s higher self.

Through practices like meditation or sacred rituals, acknowledging and addressing these spiritual cues becomes a journey toward renewal, revitalizing the flow of spiritual energy within.

C. Understanding the Dynamics of Spiritual Entities:

As we explore the intricacies of spiritual energy, it’s crucial to consider the role of spiritual entities.

These entities encompass guides, energies, or manifestations that intersect with our spiritual journey, influencing the ebb and flow of our energy.

In certain instances, stagnant energy (also known as “hucha”, according to the Incan tradition) may be linked to interactions with these entities, contributing to disruptions in our energetic balance.

Recognizing the involvement of spiritual entities necessitates a nuanced understanding of subtle energies and intuitive insights.

Practices such as meditation or forging connections with spiritual guides become invaluable tools for deciphering these influences.

By addressing and becoming more aware of spiritual entities, we open the door to a more profound release of stuck energy, cultivating a state of balance and alignment with the spiritual currents that shape our existence.

Five Unique Spiritual Practices for Energy Liberation

A. Transcendental Meditation and Visualization

  1. Channeling Energy Through Meditation: Transcendental Meditation becomes a portal for channeling inner energy. It involves tapping into the reservoir of spiritual vitality within, allowing the practitioner to transcend the mundane and connect with the divine source. This meditative journey becomes a conduit for the free flow of transformative energy.

  2. Visualizing the Flow of Divine Energy: Visualization becomes a powerful tool to manifest spiritual energy. Envisioning the divine energy as it courses through the body, cleansing and revitalizing each energy center, enhances the effectiveness of meditation. This practice not only stimulates the imagination but also aligns the mind with the harmonious currents of spiritual energy.

hand mudra meditation

B. Sacred Breathing Techniques

  1. Harnessing Pranayama for Energetic Alignment: Pranayama, the ancient art of breath control, takes on a spiritual dimension. By consciously regulating the breath, practitioners harness prana, the life force, for energetic alignment. This intentional breathing becomes a sacred dance with the universal energy, facilitating a profound sense of balance and connection.

  2. Breathing as a Sacred Ritual for Energy Release: Viewing each breath as a sacred ritual, individuals release stagnant energy with exhales, making room for the influx of revitalizing prana on the inhale. This rhythmic dance of breath becomes a transformative practice, guiding the individual towards a state of energetic release and renewal.

woman meditating with breathing techniques

C. Chakra Activation and Alignment

  1. Understanding Chakras as Energetic Centers: Chakras, the subtle energy centers, are explored as dynamic portals of spiritual influence. Understanding each chakra as a unique energetic focal point allows practitioners to target specific areas for alignment, promoting a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.

  2. Practices for Opening and Balancing Chakras: Techniques for chakra activation involve a variety of practices, from meditation and visualization to energy healing. These practices aim to open, cleanse, and balance each chakra, fostering a state of energetic equilibrium. The journey of aligning these energy centers becomes a transformative path toward spiritual wholeness.

flower of chakra colors

D. Grounding Rituals and Earth Connection

  1. Earth as a Source of Spiritual Healing: Grounding rituals invite a profound connection with the Earth as a source of spiritual healing (Pachamama). Rooting oneself in the grounding energies of nature facilitates the release of excess energy into the Earth, allowing for a transformative exchange and replenishment.

  2. Rituals to Ground and Release Excess Energy: Engaging in rituals that involve physical contact with the Earth—such as walking barefoot or meditation on natural surfaces—becomes a means to ground and release excess energy. This intentional connection with the Earth’s energies promotes stability and a sense of spiritual rootedness.

E. Sound Healing and Vibrational Resonance

  1. Utilizing Sound as a Tool for Energy Harmonization: Sound becomes a potent tool for energy harmonization. Whether through chanting, singing bowls, or other sacred instruments, the vibrational frequencies emitted resonate with the energy centers, promoting balance and alignment. This sonic journey becomes a transformative experience in the realm of spiritual healing.

  2. Incorporating Sacred Sounds into Personal Practices: Infusing personal practices with sacred sounds enhances their spiritual efficacy. Whether during meditation, energy healing, or daily rituals, incorporating resonant sounds aligns the individual with higher frequencies, creating a harmonious space for the free flow of spiritual energy.

cross legged sitting in meditation

BONUS: Integrating Spiritual Dance into Daily Life

A. Creating a Sacred Space for Movement: Designating a space for spiritual dance transforms it into a sacred ritual. By infusing the environment with intention, practitioners create a haven for energetic expression, promoting a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and freedom.

B. Infusing Daily Routines with Mindful Energetic Practices: Integrating spiritual dance into daily life extends beyond dedicated sessions. Infusing mindful energetic practices into daily routines becomes a continuous flow of spiritual expression, enhancing overall well-being and fostering a dynamic connection with spiritual energies.

dancer releasing energy


A. Embracing the Journey of Spiritual Energy Liberation: The conclusion emphasizes the transformative nature of the journey towards spiritual energy liberation.

It invites individuals to embrace the ongoing process of releasing and harmonizing energy as a profound path toward spiritual growth and wholeness.

B. Inviting Harmony and Balance Through Regular Spiritual Practices: Concluding with an invitation to cultivate harmony and balance through consistent spiritual practices, the conclusion underscores the importance of integrating these practices into daily life.

Regular engagement becomes the key to unlocking the transformative potential of spiritual energy liberation.

How to clear stagnant energy https://jungahouse.com/how-to-clear-stagnant-energy/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 02:17:01 +0000 https://jungahouse.com/?p=1361

Energize Your Space: Seven Ways to Clear Stagnant Energy

Have you ever found yourself unable to focus or constantly battling a sense of confusion and exhaustion? The energy in your living space might be to blame. Clearing stagnant energy is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive environment. In this guide, we’ll explore seven effective ways to refresh your space and regain clarity.

1. Set Clear Intentions:

Before embarking on your energy-clearing journey, take a moment to clarify your intentions. What are you trying to accomplish, and what might be hindering your progress? Being mindful of your goals sets the stage for a purposeful cleansing.

2. Purge Unnecessary Items:

Follow the wisdom of Marie Kondo and declutter your space. Donate or discard items that no longer “spark joy.” Clearing physical clutter can have a profound effect on mental clarity and energy flow.

3. Give Back Through Donation:

Helping others is a powerful way to shift energy. Donate items you no longer need, spreading joy to someone else and creating a positive cycle of giving.

4. Deep Cleaning Ritual:

Engage in a thorough cleaning session. Vacuum away the dust, wipe surfaces, and restore freshness to your space. A clean environment fosters a positive atmosphere and contributes to overall well-being.

5. Salt Corners of Your Home:

Place containers of salt in the four corners of your home. Salt is known for its absorbing properties and can help neutralize heavy energy, leaving your space feeling lighter and more vibrant.

6. Smudging Ceremony:

Use a smudge stick, palo santo, or tobacco to perform a smudging ceremony. Move through each room, allowing the smoke to cleanse and purify the space. This ancient practice has been revered for its ability to dispel negativity.

7. Bless Your Home:

As you smudge, infuse your space with positive energy. Send love to all corners, walls, ceiling, and floor. This blessing ritual reinforces the cleansing process, filling your home with renewed vitality.


Clearing stagnant energy is an essential step in creating a harmonious and uplifting living environment. By incorporating these seven practices into your routine, you can revitalize your space, enhance focus, and foster a renewed sense of purpose. Take the time to care for your surroundings, and you’ll find that a positive energy flow translates into a more fulfilling and inspired life.
